Meet the Class is back for another school year! It’s an opportunity for parents, educators, and admissions professionals to get a look at individual seniors and what they go through to find their school. This year I’m following four students. Today we’ll meet Grace and Faulkner.
Meet the Class gets updated each month from September to May. Each installment features an interview about both the facts and the feelings of where the student is in the process.
Interviews may be edited lightly for clarity and grammar. Names may be changed to protect privacy.
Grace attends a comprehensive public high school in Massachusetts
Tell me about your school. Is it a "normal," comprehensive high school, or a magnet or charter? How many students does it have? Have you been there for all your high school years, or have you moved there?
My high school is a “normal” comprehensive high school with a little over 700 students. I have been there for all 4 years
What is your sense of how many of the graduates of your high school go on to college? What kinds of colleges do they go to? When it comes to going off to college, what's "normal" for your high school?
98% of the graduating students go on to some form of college, with most going to a 4 year college.
Is college preparation a big deal in your high school? Do people talk about college a lot? Is it assumed that you will go to college?
College Prep is a large part of my high school. The Guidance Department offers seminars for both parents and students, both during the school day and during the evening. These range from how to use Naviance and Common Application for College to scholarships that are available. From Freshman year on, the teachers in my classes talk about college as if it is a normal part of your future.
How much direct instruction about college applications or choosing a college have you got from your school, either from teachers or counselors?
Guidance holds assemblies and then holds individual meetings with each student to help with college applications. In addition, they are always in their offices for any questions and hold meetings with the parents too.
Can you think of any good advice you've received about college applications from anyone at your school?
Yes! Don’t apply to any school you do not want to go to. It may be the only school you get into!
Are there any colleges that you're already sure you'll apply to? If so, what are they? Is one of them your "dream school"?
I think I am going to apply to 10 schools, both public and private. Most are in New York State. 1 is in New Jersey and 2 are in Boston. My top 2 schools are Fordham University and Hofstra University. I guess you could say these 2 are my “dream” schools.
What other colleges are you thinking about applying to, even if you're not sure you'll actually apply?
I am applying to 2 schools in Boston, even though I know that is not exactly where I want to be located. They are Boston University and Northeastern University. I am doing this more because I live near Boston and know they are great schools.
What colleges, if any, have you visited or toured? Did any of these tours stand out as being especially good or especially bad?
I toured Fordham and Hofstra and loved them! I also toured Brooklyn College and Pace University. However, I decided they were not for me.
What are the main things you're looking for in a college?
I am looking for a sense of community in a school that is located near New York City. I want a school with good academics, but also a good theater program, so that I can minor in theater arts. The financial aid package will also be a factor in my decision.
Have you talked with your family about money? Do you know how much you can afford to pay per year? Do you know how college will be paid for?
No. When I bring it up, my parents say: “don’t worry.” But it is hard not to worry, because I know they have limited funds and in the end I will have large student loans.
How are you feeling about college applications? Anxious? Confident? Confused? Explain what you're thinking and feeling as you get ready for this endeavor.
I am anxious and excited at the same time. I am ready to leave high school and start my future. I am looking forward to living in New York. However, I am worried about getting all the information to them in time; I am worried about if my SAT scores are good enough; and I am worried about rejection.
What do you not know about this process that you wish you did? What would you change about the past few years to be more prepared for this?
One thing I would change is my grades during freshman year. Your GPA starts right off freshman year and I feel I could have done better during that year.
Is there anything else you want to tell people that I didn't ask?
Yes. The SAT’s make me crazy! They make me think I am not as smart as I think I am. They provoke a lot of self doubt. One piece of advice I would give to students is that you are more than just a test score.
Faulkner attends a public magnet high school in Georgia.
Tell me about your school. Is it a "normal," comprehensive high school, or a magnet or charter? How many students does it have? Have you been there for all your high school years, or have you moved there?
My high school is a magnet school. It has about 100 students. I have been there for all my high school years.
What is your sense of how many of the graduates of your high school go on to college? What kinds of colleges do they go to? When it comes to going off to college, what's "normal" for your high school?
I think 90% of the graduates at my high school will go on to college. Most of them go to colleges in the state of Georgia. For my high school, going to Savannah State University once you become a junior is "normal."
Is college preparation a big deal in your high school? Do people talk about college a lot? Is it assumed that you will go to college?
College preparation is a big deal in my high school. People talk about college a lot. It is assumed that I will go to college.
How much direct instruction about college applications or choosing a college have you got from your school, either from teachers or counselors?
I have gotten a lot of direct instruction about college applications or choosing a college from teachers.
Are there any colleges that you're already sure you'll apply to? What other colleges are you thinking about applying to, even if you're not sure you'll actually apply?
I am definitely going to apply to George Washington University and the University of California, Davis.
I am also thinking about applying to Tulane University, North Carolina State University, Michigan State University, Kent State University, and Southern New Hampshire University.
What colleges, if any, have you visited or toured? Did any of these tours stand out as being especially good or especially bad?
I have toured George Washington University; I thought it was good.
What are the main things you're looking for in a college?
The main things I am looking for in a college are a bachelor program in zoology, acceptance of dual enrollment credit, and accommodations for students with mental disabilities, particularly ADHD.
Have you talked with your family about money? Do you know how much you can afford to pay per year? Do you know how college will be paid for?
I do not know how much I can afford to pay per year. I will pay for college with scholarships, students loans, and cash that's given to me by family.
How are you feeling about college applications? Anxious? Confident? Confused? Explain what you're thinking and feeling as you get ready for this endeavor.
I am feeling confident about college applications. Right now I'm still looking at schools, but I think I will do fine when I start working on my college essay.
What do you not know about this process that you wish you did? What would you change about the past few years to be more prepared for this?
If I could change anything about the past few years, I would have gotten started searching for universities sooner.
Thanks for reading! The next Meet the Class profiles will be next week. If you have college admissions questions for Grace or Faulkner, leave a comment or email me. There are lots of ways to get regular updates from Apply with Sanity: like me on Facebook and Twitter, get the monthly newsletter, or connect on LinkedIn.
Photo by Angela Elisabeth Portraits