Faulkner had a good Thanksgiving, and she’s got support from her family. However, she had a clerical setback in early December and didn’t get some of her applications finished in time—including a top-choice school. Read the entire December interview below, and look forward to better news in January!
Meet the Class gets updated each month from September to May. Each installment features an interview about both the facts and the feelings of where the student is in the process.
Interviews may be edited lightly for clarity and grammar. Names may be changed to protect privacy.
Did you get your UC Davis application submitted? How does it feel to have that completed?
I was unable to submit my UC Davis application because I was unable to retrieve my high school transcript.
How did the SAT re-take go? How soon can you expect results?
I felt more confident re-taking the SAT and I have already received my SAT scores; I did better than my October SAT.
You’ve added at least two schools to your list, Savannah State and Texas A&M. Is that just a result of doing more research and finding more matches? Are you still refining and changing what you’re looking for? Both? How do you decide what schools to add or delete from your list?
Savannah State University has been on my list for a long time, and my aunt suggested I go to Texas A&M since most of my family members, including her, live in Texas.
Have you got any interviews or visits scheduled?
I do not have any interviews or visits scheduled. Most of my schools accept the Common Application.
How’s school going? Are you keeping on top of your classes with all the admissions work and theater? What’s the general stress level of the seniors at your school?
School is going smoothly.
How was your Thanksgiving?
My Thanksgiving was fun. My dad and I went to Jekyll Island and ate dinner with my relatives.
How has your family been through the application process? Are they really involved? Do they have a preference for where you end up?
My family has been offering me advice through the application process.
Your list, as of last month, was
George Washington U (top choice)
UC Davis (top choice, applied)
NC State
Michigan State
Kent State
Southern New Hampshire
Savannah State
Texas A&M
Any changes to that?
Despite missing the application deadline for UC Davis and Texas A&M, I will keep them on my list just in case an opportunity arises that allows me to apply again.
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Photo by Angela Elisabeth